Returns and Refunds

If an incorrect item is sent to you, do not hesitate to write to us at the email address, indicating

as subject “WRONG ARTICLE”, and specifying your shipping details and date in the email

purchase. We will proceed to send you the correct item as soon as we receive the wrong one,

undertaking to pay for your shipment.

If you want to return an item for other reasons, write to,

indicating in the subject “ARTICLE RETURN”, and specifying in the email your data, the date

of purchase and the reason for the return, which will be evaluated if sent within 10 days

from the purchase of the item. Also specify if you want a color change, an article change, or

full or partial refund.

The returned item must be presented intact as when shipped by us, and unused. The cost

of the shipment will be at your expense.

Returned items must be shipped to the following address:

Bertolini Nicole – JNH-fashion, via Egna 14, 39040 Montagna
